How to Level Furniture Around the Home

Things I don’t like: a wobbly chair, a table that tilts, and a bookshelf that leans to one side. Fortunately, though, I don’t have to deal with this anymore since I discovered this... With Packers and Shims, levelling furniture around the home is a simple DIY task anyone can handle, and they are super cheap online too!

What Are Packers and Shims?

packers and shims

If you didn’t know about these DIY heroes already, let me explain. Packers and shims are small, wedge-shaped pieces used to fill gaps and provide stability. They come in various materials, such as plastic and metal, and are perfect for levelling furniture and other fixtures around the house. These handy tools are an essential part of any DIYer’s toolkit, and important for professionals alike – Heavensa explains.

Step-by-Step Guide to Levelling Furniture

plastic shims

1. Identify the Problem Area

First, figure out which part of the furniture is causing the issue. Use a level to check for unevenness. If you don't have a level, a glass of water can also do the trick - Just place it on the furniture and see if the water tilts to one side.

2. Choose the Right Shim or Packer

Select a shim or packer that matches the size of the gap. For larger gaps, use a thicker shim or stack several thin ones until you get the desired height., part of B.I.G, offers a variety of sizes to suit any levelling needs.

3. Insert the Shim or Packer

Gently lift the furniture piece and slide the shim into the gap. Start with a small adjustment, then check the level again. It’s always better to add gradually rather than overshooting and making the opposite side uneven.

4. Test and Adjust

Once the shim is in place, put the level back on the furniture and see if it’s stable. You might need to make a few adjustments - adding or removing shims until it’s perfectly level.

5. Secure the Shim

If you’re happy with the stability, you can secure the shim in place with a bit of glue or tape, especially if it’s in a spot where it might slip out of place. For heavy furniture, consider using multiple shims for added support.

Why Use Packers & Shims?

Using packers and shims from B.I.G ensures you have durable, reliable materials that won't wear out quickly. Whether you’re levelling a bookshelf, a table, or an appliance, these tools provide a simple and effective solution to keep your furniture steady and secure. However, you don’t have to limit yourself with these tools; they can be used for so much more! Have a look at this blog on to find out multiple ways packers and shims can be used for DIY.

So next time you encounter a wobbly piece of furniture, you know exactly what to do. With a few shims, you can easily bring stability back to your home. Packers & Shims makes it easy to tackle these small but important fixes, helping you maintain a safe and comfortable living environment.

*Collaborative post

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