5 Ways To Make a Difference Today

Are you somebody who wants to make a difference in the world but can never seem to find the time to fit it into your daily routine?

This is a common problem; many people want to support charities and ideas that they believe in, but it can feel impossible with the demands of everyday life.

Of course, an individual who dedicates 100% of their free time to a charitable cause will have more of an impact than someone who dedicates none of their time at all. However, for those with jobs and families, there are many ways that you can support charities and make a positive difference, even with a few seconds or a few clicks of a mouse per day. Best of all, most options to help you make a difference won't cost a penny, and can help you to learn some valuable skills along the way!

Make The World Better Sign

So, if you're looking for a way to make a positive difference in the world, read on, as this article will guide you through five very simple ways you can help the charity of your choice to get publicity or to simply help them, without having to do a whole lot of admin work.

1. Donate

Many people only opt to donate to the charity of their choosing at Christmas, or when they see a charity collector in the street. However, you can donate to a charity you care about in many ways, from macmillan.org.uk to the WWF.

These organisations allow individuals to donate via direct debit every month, with an amount that is affordable and of your choosing. Or, you can aim to give a legacy gift, which is, in essence, part of your assets that you will leave when you pass away.

2. Fundraise

If you entered 2024 with the aspiration to improve your health and raise money for a charity of your choice, then why not participate in a fundraising event, such as a hike, a marathon, or 1/2 marathon? These are free to sign up for and will also allow you to travel the country and stay in good shape while raising money at the same time!

You can also fundraise using online raffles, auctions, and selling baked goods. In fact, many charities specialise in a kind of fundraising option, such as bake sales, coffee mornings, and charity runs. 

3. Volunteer

If the idea of running a marathon fills you with dread, there are other ways you can make a difference for the charity of your choosing. You can volunteer your time, whether that is in a charity shop, on a charity website, or by manning the phones for an organization. The latter is more common for mental health charities, but all of these options are a great way to make a difference in the lives of those the charity helps and allows you to give something back. Not good with your phone skills? Many charities also offer the option for you to work as part of their online platforms, so you can respond to messages or emails, as part of your voluntary tole. You can also learn some other really good skills, such as people skills, organizational skills, and money management skills, which can then be passed over to your line of work, or other roles that you have in your life.

4. Minimise Environmental Impact

If you are someone who cares passionately about the environment, you may be looking for a way to support environmental charities, that don't involve the more heavy-handed approaches that some of them take. You can do this by opting for plastic-free options, lowering your CO2 emissions, and even altering your diet. Simple!

Or, if you don't think you will be able to alter you diet to minimise your environmental impact, why not try eating from locally sourced options? That way, you can rest assured that the milk in your fridge, or the eggs that you scramble came from a farm that is local and were not the product of factory farming. 

5. Raise Awareness

Do you have a social media pr
esence? If so, you can make a difference to charities and those whom they help by raising awareness of their causes via your social media page. If you are an influencer, or you have a YouTube channel, you can even advertise on these platforms too, which will raise awareness and drive traffic to the site of your favourite charity. Simple, and achievable, all with the click of a mouse!

Bex Gawne

Since graduating from university with a degree in English Literature & Creative Writing, Bex has worked in the media and digital marketing industries for almost a decade. She specialises in writing health and lifestyle content and is passionate about making a difference. Outside of this, Bex has a keen interest in history, so you can often find her with a cup of tea, curled up with a historical novel, with her ragdoll cat by her side.

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