Depending on your priorities as a parent, you may or may not wish to emphasize certain life skills and perspectives for your children as they grow up. For example, perhaps you’re just not a sporting family, and while you’ll certainly take your child to sports games if they show an interest in it, you won’t expect them to adhere to that culture. If you do, that’s fine too, it’s just a matter of taste and the wider personality of your family group.

It’s also healthy to consider the values your children should live with. You can’t define them all, but you can certainly nudge children in the right direction. Some are obvious and timeless - manners, a work ethic, the ability to take a joke, all of these are worthwhile qualities. But it’s also healthy to prepare them for the world of tomorrow. As we know, the environment and climate are more important to care for than ever. So, developing a happy and natural interest in protecting it, without hysteria or panic, can be a great idea.
So, how can a green-loving parent raise optimistic little environmentalists? Let’s consider that, below:
Start Simple With Recycling
You don’t have to tell children about the impending climate emergency, rising sea levels, and eviscerating insect life. A lot of the narrative around environmental care is understandably alarmist. Still, little children are best helped when shown a love for something, as opposed to a fear that drives obligation. Starting simple with recycling, such as showing how old items can be made into new items, and even purchasing recycled plastic goods, can help them learn the very fundamental idea of reducing waste.
Introduce Water-Saving Practices
Water-saving efforts can be a healthy place to begin those small steps, just like recycling. You can even show how stainless steel tubing is used to water your plants without the wastage a hose might provide, and how you make it easier to water those plants evenly. You can also show them how to conserve water, such as by showering within a certain time limit, turning the tap off when cleaning teeth, and collecting rainwater for our plants as mentioned.
Grow A Family Garden Or Indoor Plants
Becoming more self-sufficient is always a valid environmental effort, and planning yours can be a healthy step forward. You don’t have to make a super complex vegetable patch to start with, perhaps you just hope to grow some broad beans, or even pumpkins for next Halloween. You can also implement a herb garden to showcase the basic idea, and show how you’re using these in cooking to help your children feel like they’ve contributed. Again, that emotional connection to nature will be more constructive than trying to tell them to never use plastic, and it prepares them for the motivation needed to be mindful in the future.
With this advice, you’re certain to raise little environmentalists in your household. If many parents do what you do, the world of tomorrow will be a better place.
*Collaborative post
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