Worthwhile Investments To Make To Your Garden

Investing in home improvements is often associated with internal changes. It could be updating the bathroom or kitchen and choosing to build a wall to create a separate space or knocking a wall down to make an open-plan room. Home improvements could also be updating the windows or extending the property to create additional room in the home.

home and garden

However, very few will associate the garden and outdoor space as areas that should be invested in. A common thing many are unaware of is the value a garden can add to a property. It is reported that a garden could help add up to 20% to the value of a property. If you had plans to sell the property in the future, investing in your garden could be worthwhile.

Of course, general maintenance is a simple and effective way to make a garden more appealing. Keeping the grass trimmed, ensuring that any hedges do not overgrow and keeping any pathways clear are simple improvements you could make to your garden. Alongside these, you might want to consider one or more of these worthwhile investments to make to your garden to help increase the value.

Add Some Privacy

Privacy in a garden is a great selling feature. It helps to make a homeowner’s outdoor space feel like their personal area they can retreat to. One of the best ways to add privacy is by having fences around the garden. The height of the fences can help determine how much privacy your garden has. If your house is the last house on your street, you might opt for higher fences to block the view of those passing by.

Another way to add privacy to your home is with a patio awning. Patio awnings can help block the view of part of your garden from neighbouring houses. A glance at Nationwide’s variety of patio awnings shows what is possible. They are an appealing way to add a touch of privacy whilst keeping an area of your outdoor space shaded. You will be grateful for this shaded space when the temperatures begin to incline during the summertime.

Consider Additional Space

Consider investing in a shed or a summer house for those with more extensive gardens. It can be an ideal place to spend long summer days when you do not want to be in your home. Summer Houses could even be an outdoor office for those working from home.

It can also be marketed as an additional place for storage. Of course, storage is one of the most desired factors potential buyers look for in a property. Showing them the summer house or shed could capture their interest.

Invest In Decking Or Patio

The battle between decking vs patio continues. Each one has its strengths and weaknesses. The common advantage of both options is that they can add value to a garden. An area of your garden with decking or a patio can be the ideal place to create a social space. It helps to create additional space for outdoor living, allowing you to bring the interiors of your home outdoors.

When you sell your property, you could decorate the space to show potential buyers how the space can be used as a place to entertain guests. It could help with selling the property.

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