How To Raise A Science Lover

Science is all around us in every part of life. For your children, it can be a subject that is utterly fascinating, and one that can lead them towards an incredible career, or helps fuel their curiosity about the world around them.

For some pointers on how you can help nurture a love of science in your children, I’ve collaborated with an independent school in Surrey to offer some ways as to how you can raise a science lover.

Start With Play

Simply playing with toys, modelling clay and building blocks, is a very informal means to get your child interested in the world of science. Water play, as well can help your child see science in action, as they see how different objects react to water, and the kind of cause and effect their actions can have on different materials. Encourage them to make gloop or salt dough or hanging crystals with salt and water.

Get In Nature

Nurturing a deep appreciation for nature in your child is a wonderful way to encourage them to be a science lover. Seeing the wonders that exist outside their front door, from the beauty of a giant tree, or bright colours of different flowers will put them in touch with how amazing the natural world is. Having a great appreciation for the environment is vital for our children, so the sooner you can do that the better. Why not take them to a local park and talk about the changing seasons and how it affects the trees, the plants and the wildlife?

Visit Museums

Visiting museums is a great way to bring aspects of both science and history to life for your children. Many museums, once things are back to normal, offer dedicated children's workshops that can help bring elements of science to life. There are some amazing science museums specifically in the UK such as the Science Museum in London, Techniquest in Cardiff and We The Curious science museum in Bristol.

Talk About Science At Home

Bring up your own interest in science, and the many forms it takes in everyday life. You can do this with when you cook or when you clean or when you bathe for example. Showing that you yourself have an interest in science will inspire your children to be more into the subject themselves, and can be an interest you share together.  There are many opportunities to learn about science in the home, why not have a look online to see if there are any activities to help reinforce analytical and scientific skills. 

*Collaborative post

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