Hand Sanitiser Is The New Diamond Ring

Not literally… but bear with me. People say diamonds are a girl’s best friend and I wouldn’t say otherwise. I don’t know why we love diamonds so much, is it the glamour? The shine? It makes us feel luxurious, and who doesn’t want to feel this way? Anyway… today, I’m not here to talk about my love for diamond rings, I’m here to talk about why I’m leaving my rings at home and taking hand sanitiser with me everywhere I go. 

washing hands

Hand sanitiser has been my true best friend. It kills bacteria, germs and viruses, keeping me healthy and reducing the spread of these microorganisms to others. Hand sanitiser is truly wonderful and is available in many shapes, sizes and scents! Ocean Free, hand sanitiser manufacturer, stocks fragrance-free hand sanitizers and scented hand sanitizers, which I’ve got to say are simply fabulous – leaving hands with a wonderful aroma and clean as a whistle.

This year’s situation highlighted the importance of hand hygiene and how germs can hide and bloom in crevices of our hands, as researchers at Georgia State University found in a 2018 study. It was discovered that the ring area provided “a protected area in which bacteria can flourish” plus, they also found that people who didn’t wear rings were able to kill more germs than those who wore rings when washing their hands.

hand sanitiser

“It’s a good time to consider giving jewellery a break for a while.” mentions this article on Today. And I couldn’t agree more. It might be difficult to part from my jewellery for a while but if it means that I’ll be trying my best to maintain good hand hygiene and reduce the spread of bacteria, germs and viruses, count me in.

If you can’t part from your jewellery, remember to always clean it with soap and water when cleaning your own hands. Taking it off while cleaning hands and then putting it back won’t cut it, as might mean that you’ve decontaminated your hands again. To effectively sanitise your hands, follow Ocean Free’s guide on how to properly sanitise hands.

how to wash your hands
Are you going to keep wearing rings or leaving them at home?

*Collaborative post

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