The summer holidays are the perfect time of year for some outdoor decluttering. Clearing out your garden might seem like a big job, but if you break it down into easy steps, you can make it a day by day plan. You could spend a day each on the compost, wildlife projects, and garden toys and decorations. Once you finish each decluttering project you’ll be able to reward yourself for a job well done. Here are ten top tips for decluttering your garden.
Reduce garden wasteThe best way to dispose of garden waste, so things like grass clippings, weeds, dead plants, and hedge trimmings is with a compost heap. You can also add organic waste from your kitchen and all these ingredients will feed your soil. Here are some other alternative garden waste-free ideas. You could support wildlife by creating a worm bin or repurpose certain materials.
Ideally, you want to reduce waste, but if you feel like you’re going to have an excess of garden rubbish it might be an idea to hire a skip. Otherwise, you can sell or donate unused decking, topsoil, and paving slabs if they’re in good condition.
Replace old decking
Your decking might be in need of a bit of TLC, or replacing completely. If you’re looking for new decking, click here for more information. If you want to get rid of your old decking in a more eco-friendly way you can donate it online. Try advertising online on sites such as Freecycle. People will come and collect things for free, and you’d be surprised by what you get rid of.
Set up areas for wildlife
Wildlife is very important for your garden. As part of your decluttering project, you want to clear some space to attract bees and butterflies and other animals. Set up corners for hedgehogs to next in the cooler months, and they will be looking for a place to hibernate. You could even build a hedgehog house.
Organise your garden into different areas for wildlife and for your family to spend time together. Ensure you keep an eye on the conditions of these areas, particularly if you set up a hedgehog or insect house, you don’t want these to get ruined by moisture.
Reduce your garden tools collection
Go through your garden tool collection and check for any duplicates. You might find you’ve got old tools you never use. Duplicates can also go straight to the charity shop and old or broken ones might just have to be thrown away unless you can find creative ways to repurpose tools. This is a great way to declutter your toolbox.
Rake up leaves, debris and get down to some weeding. This can be a daily task, and shouldn’t take long if you get on top of it. Trim back and prune any overgrowing or dead plants for regrowth next season. Once your flower beds are tidy, a handy tip is to use bark to discourage weeds from growing. Invest in an electric lawnmower as these are more eco-friendly. Your lawn will need mowing around once a week.
Don't forget to mow
Trim back overgrown plants
If you want to stick to a simple, low maintenance garden, avoid annual bedding plants. Cut a defined edge on your flowerbeds to prevent any overgrow into the lawn. Trim back overgrown hedges, shrubs, and trees. Dealing with overgrown plants can be a fair amount of work, but you’ll definitely see the benefits, your garden will appear much neater, and you’ll gain plenty of space.
Get the kids involved

Gardening is a great way for kids to get in touch with nature. You can teach them about ecology and the importance of maintaining a healthy habitat for wildlife. At the same time, they’ll give you a helping hand tidying it up. You could make it into a fun project or a game.
Get the kids involved in planting new seeds and watching them grow. You can choose fast options such as cress or salad leaves, so they’ll be able to see the results quickly. You can also use these for healthy packed lunch alternatives.
Check the condition of garden ornaments
If you’ve got garden decorations it’s a good idea to check the condition of these. Don’t let them clutter up the garden if they’re rusty or falling apart. It’s a good idea to choose second-hand items to decorate your garden as a more sustainable option. Alternatively, opt for more durable materials that will last longer. You can also find plenty of options for sustainable garden decorations online.
Don’t forget the shed
If you have a shed, outhouse or conservatory then this room might need a decluttering as well. Get rid of all unnecessary items and decide which you are able to donate, sell, or repurpose. Divide your shed into zones and try using the walls for storage to create more space. Many people often neglect these spares rooms and fill them with junk. Why not repurpose the space? You could get more use out of it.
After the initial decluttering of your garden. Make a list of daily and weekly tasks to keep it clean and tidy. Water your garden on days it doesn’t rain. With weekly trimming and raking, you can enjoy your garden more. Gardening is a long-term project, but if you dedicate a day to clearing out a few things you’ll have the space to work and enjoy it. With a few basic, albeit tiring jobs the results will be worth it. Learn to make your garden gorgeously tidy this summer.
*Collaborative post
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