Yes, we hear you. But, believe it or not, it can be done if you’re a little creative. Are you up for a challenge? Here are ways to share the fun and spread a positive attitude from your home.
They decorate the room
Being stuck indoors is the best excuse you can get to inject some funkiness into your decor. If you want to elevate the mood, just opt for party-inspired style, with LED strip lights, which you can find on here: You can add a few colourful touches on the shelves using your best DIY skills. You don’t need more than a few bright sheets of crepe paper glued together to build an exciting backdrop for a party photo. If you’ve got some balloons at home, don’t hesitate to get building. Nothing says fun as much as a balloon arch! Alternatively, you can create a fun-looking garland with a string and some strips of tissue paper tied together. In short, there is plenty you can do if you are happy about being creative. Check out Pinterest for inspiration.
They clean, organise and declutter

What would be the first thing you’d do if you were throwing a party at home? You would clean the place all over! So, do the same and pretend you’re having overnight guests to motivate yourself for deep cleaning action. Declutter the space. You can even use the time to reorganise your shelves and your cupboards for clarity and style. A beautifully organised pantry or bookshelf can boost your mood. Besides, your home will look and feel party-ready, even if you’re not inviting anyone.
They zoom it!

Now, to the party side of things. Granted, a party at home with nobody to talk to can sound gloomy. But you can use a webchat platform such as zoom to reach out to your friends and relatives. If anybody has got a birthday coming during the lockdown, you can sing them ‘Happy Birthday’ via zoom or FaceTime. If you’re not familiar with Zoom, think of it as a modern Skype. You can find a handy guideline here from Business Insider on how to get the conversation started and spend time together, even though you are in different places. The key is to invite fewer people than you would for a typical party, as you want to have a meaningful conversation with all of them. Try to cap your party at ten persons to make the most of it.
They share tips and ideas

How does Gina get her fantastic party tiramisu? What’s the recipe for Pete’s sweet and naughty’s after-hour cocktail?
Everyone has a party dish. So, why not make the most of your digital gathering to exchange tips and recipes? You can recreate some of the party staples at home and show your friends your own version of their dishes.
The bottom line is to stay safe at home, but don’t think that self-isolation means you can’t be together. On the contrary, while it’s a different kind of gathering, you can still reach out to the people you cherish and throw regular web parties. It’s a fantastic way of lifting the mood and sharing a good laugh.
*Collaborative post
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