There are a few preparation tips you should take into consideration once you extend an invitation to friends to stay. Not only get your space ready but also think about how you’re going to entertain everybody and how you’ll spend your days. Once that is organised you can relax and enjoy having your company over once your guests arrive.
Perform a deep clean
Firstly make sure everything is spick and span for overnight guests by performing a deep clean of your space. It’s your opportunity to clean out and declutter closets and wash down your appliances and floors. Focus on the hard to reach areas you usually skip over during your weekly cleaning routine. Take a good look over the entire house so that there are no spots left unturned. You should also look around and fix and repair anything that’s damaged to make your home look more beautiful and so you can prevent any accidents from occurring. You don't want your guests spotting a cobweb or peeling wallpaper or falling over a broken step.
Get their bathroom ready
Sort out the bathroom before your guests arrive. Take time to clean it up and put out fresh towels and flowers. If they have an ensuite room that may not be in use all the time, test the sink and bathtub drains to make sure they’re in proper working order. If you see the water flowing slowly or hear strange noises, then visit this drain unblocking company and consider hiring the experts to come over to take a look and fix the problem.
Organise the guest bedroom
Another task you’ll need to do to prepare for your company is to organise the guest bedroom. You want it to be inviting and comfortable so that they feel welcome in your home. Be sure to clean it thoroughly and put new bed linens and warm blankets on the bed. Clear the shelves and drawers in the room so they have a place to store their belongings, especially if they’ll be staying for some time. You can buy a kettle cheaply so why not make up a tea making tray so they can have tea in bed when they wake up. It's a little touch that can be very welcome.
Clean up the yard
Remember to also attend to the exterior of your home when preparing for guests. It’s a wise idea to clean up the yard and garden and make the outside look presentable. Cut the grass and weed the plants so your porch and garden look more inviting. Head to the backyard and make sure you’re ready for guests to sit out on your patio and enjoy a glass of wine or if weather permits a barbeque together.
Stock up on food & drinks
Make your guests feel more comfortable by stocking up on food and drink, especially some of their favourites. Make sure they know where the tea, coffee and biscuits are and tell them to help themselves especially when you are not around.
If they are thinking of exploring the area, get some local tourist brochures in for some of the attractions. It's worth thinking of what you will do with them in the evening, are you going out for a meal or staying in? Are you going to watch a film or play a game together? Think in advance of age-appropriate things to so and the day and evening will go with a swing.
*Collaborative post
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