Beginner Tips For Successful Gardening

Gardening is an interesting pastime for many people, and it can also be a very relaxing activity, but what if you're a complete beginner to gardening, where do you start? Whether you've just bought your first home, or have decided you'd like to become more green-fingered there is a wealth of knowledge out there.  

Of course, having a budget helps to convert your unloved garden into a beautiful area you can be proud of and having a basic tool kit is essential. To find these items check out your local garden centre or online gardening store,  but then how does a complete novice use these tools to create a garden to be proud of? If you are looking for advice for a beginner gardener then read on.


Having the right tools for any job in life is a game-changer. This is especially true for gardening as if you don't have the right tools, then every task you undertake will be more awkward, delay your productivity and affect the overall outcome. 

Tools for a beginner include a spade, rake, fork, trowel, garden brush, small petrol fuelled lawnmower, and any pots that you may need to plant your flowers in. Obviously, it does depend on what you are doing. If you have a garden with trees you would need pruning shears, if you are looking to plant vegetables a hoe would be useful.  Of course, you don't need to be buying power tools, to keep your garden looking tidy as there are plenty of hand tools to get the work done and make life easier. Check out the best garden tools to make like easier here.


You may already know of many gardeners who enjoy this pastime, so ask family, friends, and even neighbours how they are managing to keep on top of their own gardening. Try to build a sustainable garden without chemicals or pesticides as that is better for the environment.

People always like others asking them for advice. There are also vlogs, articles, and blog posts outlining precisely what you need to do, and more importantly when! Gardening advice doesn't really change year to year either so a well-written gardening book like those by the Royal Horticultural Society is also a lifesaver and a great reference tool for advice.

Some tips - you can only plant certain seeds at different times of the year, so it's always a good idea to keep track of exactly what you are putting in the ground and the date. Also, don't forget to cover seeds from the birds as otherwise they will be eaten pretty quickly. 

Preparation is key

When you think about renovating or making over your garden, there are many variables at play,  and one of the best things you can do for yourself and your garden is to prepare everything you can in advance.  If you are doing it yourself, get design inspiration from gardening magazines, garden websites and Pinterest, and get sketching and measuring. 

Take into account the sunlight that your garden gets into what areas you are planning, as certain plants need at least 6 hours of sunlight a day. At the end of every season, you need to take up weeds, tidy up, and prep for the next season.


You can match your personal style to your garden, so let your creativity loose, and see what you can produce.  
Why not shape your bushes and hedges into unusual shapes if you are creative? There is also no shame in paying a professional to help with this, or to help you in areas you haven't got the time or skills.

Regarding statues and ornaments, garden centres sell some interesting ones that you can use in your garden. Popular garden ornaments include animals, angels, cherubs, fairies, and of course, gnomes which are THE traditional garden ornament.  Check out the complete range of garden ornaments at your local garden centre.  

Don't overdo it

Don't overdo it

If you are new to gardening it's easy to get the bug and fall in love with it, but don't overdo it. Why? Well digging the ground, hoeing, pruning and generally looking after a garden is great exercise but can be hard work. It's probably worth doing some stretching exercises before you start to warm up and to start slowly before you do any big renovations. That way you won't pull your back or strain a muscle and won't get put off your new hobby. In addition, by searching online for a company offering 'tree service near me' for example, you can hire contractors to take care of any strenuous tasks that require holding heavy equipment or climbing up a ladder.

Gardening can be a lot of work but think about how you will feel when you're sat in your garden, in the sun next summer, with your garden in full bloom.  You might not be entering the Chelsea Garden Show competitions just yet, but once you get started, many people find it therapeutic and relaxing. Gardening like anything else in life is a simple case of the effort you put in equals the results you get out. Enjoy!

*Collaborative post


  1. I really need to start on sorting out my garden but I don't know where to start. I think a trip to a garden centre is in order to pick up some tools!

    1. It can be hard to get motivated if you don't know where to start can't it?

  2. My husband and I are avid gardners and your tips are great! I'd say, most of all have fun. The first few years I was so worried about everything growing just so. After a while I was like, whatever I get, I'll be grateful for. Perspective, for me, made all the difference. xx

    1. Having fun is very important with gardening! Gardening can be hard work so you have to enjoy it.
