We all want to be as financially secure as possible. It is a goal most people have, but, sadly it is one that not many of us do much about achieving. We fully intend to save, but somehow never get round to it. If you fall into that category and want to make a change, read on. I’ve come up with a few strategies that will help you to do exactly that.
Three ways you can tap into the power of apps

Most of us own a smartphone and carry it with us everywhere. So, why not tap into the power of apps to help you to manage your money better and save?
1. Apps to help you to invest more of your cash
This investment app from Wealthify is worth checking out. Its primary function is to enable you to manage the investments you already have, and it also has a facility that enables you to immediately invest any spare cash you have. So, if you come back from holiday without having spent all of your money, you can immediately invest that cash instead of spending it on something else.
You can also use apps like Moneybox to save on a daily basis. It is basically a digital version of a coin jar. When you go into a shop and spend £2.55 on something, the app rounds that up to £3. The shopkeeper gets their £2.55 and the 45p gets pushed across into a savings account. Over the course of a few months, you will end up with a significant nest egg.
2. Apps to help you to budget
If you add a budgeting app like You Needs a Budget (YNAB) to your phone, you can stay in control of your money. This style of app alerts you when you are coming close to over-spending. Provided you heed these warnings you will not spend too much. Better still, if your budget to save some of your money and stick to it, you will end up saving more. You can learn more about these apps here.
3. Apps to help you to pay less for what you need to buy
Lastly, try using apps that will help you to buy what you need for less. There are several different types of apps you can use for this. But, the most effective ones are couponing and price comparison apps.
OK, so that is several ways you can put your smartphone to use to get yourself on a better financial footing and here are other things you can do that do not involve using your smartphone and are ways to create more wealth.
Five things you can do to create more wealth
1. Sell what you don’t need
If you have things lying around the house that you do not use, sell them. Then add the cash you make to your savings account. You can sell through auction sites such as eBay, car boot sales, market stalls or local newspapers.
2. Buy items that hold their value
2. Buy items that hold their value
Buying good-quality items that hold their value well is always worthwhile, such as vintage watches and other collectable items. Provided you really like what you buy you will get to enjoy owning and using them. Later, you can sell those items on and get most of your money back. Do your research beforehand though as markets do fluctuate and you often can't guarantee a return on your investment.
3. Buy items in charity shops and car boot sales to make some money
3. Buy items in charity shops and car boot sales to make some money
Some people are able to do this by buying vintage clothing, jewellery and antiques. Sell them on Facebook groups, markets stalls, and online. It helps if you know what you are looking for, for example, a vintage toy will make more money if it is in excellent condition and has its original box than one that is well worn.
4. Take on a remote job
4. Take on a remote job
Sites such as People Per Hour allow you to market a skill to make more money. This is especially good for creatives. There are lots of jobs you can do remotely as well such as teaching English online if you have a Bachelors degree or TEFL/TSOL certificate, data entry, Virtual Assistant work, and so on.
5. Set up a local service, selling a skill
5. Set up a local service, selling a skill
There is a need for services like ironing, dog walking, or gardening. If you live in an area where there is a high population of elderly people then they may need odd jobs done for them and a shopping service will also we needed.
Let me know have you used an app to save or invest money? How do you create more wealth?
*Collaborative post
*Collaborative post
I have had a huge clear out and have donated over 10 bags of clothes and books to local charity shops and given some beauty products to friends x