How To Choose The Right School For Your Child

School is where children and young adults spend the majority of their time, so it’s vital you choose the right one. Brampton College, an independent sixth form college in Hendon, have put together the following list of points that you should think about before making the extremely important decision. 

You want your child to succeed academically and also enjoy themselves; neither of which they can do if they are unhappy in the wrong school. But how do you know if you have chosen wisely? How do you know if your current school is the right fit for you and your family? 

Visit beforehand

Open mornings and afternoons are great but sometimes it is best to see the school on a normal working day. Ask your chosen school if you can visit with your child. How the school manages your request and how they interact with your child during this visit will tell you a lot. 

Check Ofsted

Before making any final decisions don’t forget to check the school’s Ofsted report and make sure that the school’s ‘overall effectiveness’ is good or better. Reports can be found on the Ofsted website and are available for everyone to see. 


As well as the obvious factors, such as geographic location and subject options, it’s worth considering whether or not a school is academically challenging enough. It’s important that your child/children feel adequately stimulated throughout their education so that boredom doesn’t take over and cause them to lose interest.  

Extra-curricular clubs

In addition to their normal lessons, you could encourage them to join some extra-curricular clubs to keep them inspired. Clubs such as gymnastics, music lessons and football clubs are all designed to help children achieve an important work-fun balance whilst keeping them entertained and interested. 

Learning style

The learning environment in a school is also important; some students prefer intimate settings where discussion groups can take place and personal interactions with the tutors and other students are plentiful. Other students prefer large lecture halls, where they can listen and take notes, but have little input and few distractions. Make sure to choose a school that suits your child’s personal learning style. 

Schools culture

As previously mentioned, in addition to the academic side of things, it’s also imperative that your school is the right cultural fit for you. In other words, your child/children should feel comfortable being themselves and embracing their individual personality. They shouldn’t feel like they have to change, or that their opinions are “wrong”. If that’s the case, then the school that they are at is not right for them or you.  Every student should feel valued. 

Do you feel you have chosen the right school for your child?



  1. Before my daughter started school I thought I knew which one I wanted her to go to, but when I visited I just couldn't picture her there. She ended up going to a different school and I'm so pleased I trusted my instincts.

  2. It's a huge decision, and one we've had to make a few times. I 'think' we've chosen well ... the children are enjoying it, my daughter is working 3 years ahead of her age and is thriving. However, due to lots of changes within the school's structure, it went from a 'good' school to 'requires improvement' across the board. Luckily it hasn't affected my children - but things change that you have no control over.

  3. I agree with all you have said. Picking the right school is very important.

  4. We find out which secondary school Isaac has been allocated on Friday - extremely nervous at the moment
