The chocolate subscription club is a service that means once a month you get a special edition box of delicious chocolates delivered to your door. What's especially cool is that you are given a chance to rate the chocolates and influence future selections through your scores as well as getting the chance to taste experimental chocolates before they hit the shelves.

So I was given a box to try. The chocolates were delicious as always. I have to admit I am a big fan of this chocolate brand so it's hard to be objective! My favourites were the raspberry pannacotta, with lush fresh raspberry flavours, and the peach and jasmine, a sweet delightful and fruity centre enrobed in white chocolate.

In fact, all the chocolates were delightful and really high quality, you could tell by the taste. That's because they use best cocoa powder in the chocolates, cocoa powder from cocoa farmers they support in St Lucia.

I also like the mix of white, milk and dark chocolates in the box, a little something for everyone really. Every month, the box is unique and especially chosen by their in-house chocolatiers, and every month they create new and delectable chocolates for their customers to try.
If you sign up, your first box will be delivered to your door within 5 days and at the moment your first box is only £9.99 with a bag of free chocolate 'gemstones' too. A great deal I think you will admit.
Win a Hotel Chocolat tasting box worth £22.99
Today on my blog I am giving you a chance to win a one-month tasting box of from Hotel Chocolat worth £22.99. Entry is easy via the Gleam app below. While you are here don't forget to check out the other competitions I have running too. Good luck!
Terms and Conditions
You must be 18 + to enter
Open to entrants in the UK only
One entry per household
Winner will be contacted within 7 days of the competition ending.
If I do not hear from the winner within 28 days I reserve the right to redraw
Please allow 28 days for delivery
Closing date 2017-11-12 11:59:59 PM
Mum held my hand going into dad's funeral this year as much as she was hurting she still thought of me xxx
ReplyDeleteI adore Hotel Chocolat chocolates... being a mum to 2 chocolate hungry boys, when I treat myself to chocolate, I have but them their own bars, otherwise my lips won't get a look in ��
ReplyDeleteMy mam has helped me through many sad times in my life, and she has also been there to celebrate the good times too. One memorable moment was when she was by my side during my youngest daughters birth. My daughter came early was breech so I was rushed in for a c-section and my mam was there with me x
ReplyDeleteMy Mum is 102 and my best memory is her 100th birthday, when all the family were gathered to celebrate this great milestone. She does enjoy a quality chocolate so I would have to share this box with her.
ReplyDeleteThe chocolate looks delicious.
ReplyDeleteMy late Mother-in-Law was a fantastic Lady, she was so kind to me, I have so many happy memories of her, one of the best times was when I took her abroad for the first time, she would get up at 5am every morning to sit on the balcony and watch the dawn rise over the mountain, I miss her very much indeed.
ReplyDeleteMy mum is the best. My best moments and memories with my mum is her relationship with my kids
ReplyDeleteWith the angles NOW xx
ReplyDeleteStill With me everywhere I go -guiding and protecting
Very nice!!
ReplyDeletemy mum takes me on holiday and still spoils me
ReplyDeleteSince my mum discovered a smartphone, she hasn’t stopped texting me. Sometimes it’s about the weather or random financial advice, but on nights when I feel down and text her that I miss her, she’ll say something like this: “Love you, my beautiful daughter. One of the best days of my life is when you were born. Just keeps getting better.” Always cheers me up.
ReplyDeleteMum died when I was 12 but I still have wonderful memories one of my favourites was going for a midnight swim at the local beach with my brother, aunt and uncle. It was amazing there was a full moon and the fish were jumping out of the water.
ReplyDeleteMy son is in Canada. My daughter is in Wales and I am in Scotland. Chocolate helps when I miss them!
ReplyDeletemy mum is my rock and im her iccle pebble and together we ride the stormy seas off life together until we reach calmer seas x love you mum x
ReplyDeleteparents you don't ever expect to lose them but sadly my dad passed away after a long battle with illness , wonderful man ,but mum is still here and these chocolates would be perfect for her
ReplyDeleteI'd love to win this, be nice to have some chocolates to nibble on while writing blog posts!
ReplyDeleteMy dad was always an inspiration to me. He had a massive garden and grew all his own vegetables and fruit. He was always in his garden digging and cultivating something right up to the year before he died at age 89. I think it kept him fit and healthy for all those years :)
ReplyDeleteMy dad is the biggest chocoholic I know and I am actually trying to win to gift to him. Thank you
ReplyDeleteThe chocolates look delicious . Thank you
ReplyDeleteI was brought up with my granny she was an incredible role model and I feel very blessed to have been brought up with her,
ReplyDeleteWe used to bake lots and christmas was always great fun, I always remember the time granny had a little too many sherries on christmas eve and on christmas day she was a little hungover and fell asleep, the turkey burnt to a crisp! we had so many laughs about that day! life is too short to be serious! :)
My Mum's in her 90s now and isn't the person she used to be, either mentally or physically, but one thing that still cheers her up is some really good chocolate.
ReplyDeleteMy Dad is passed now. He would have loved this competition as he was a chocaholic. we were out celebrating my mums 71st birthday yday and had a lovely meal and cake with her
ReplyDeleteMy Dad brought me up by himself and I have so many memories as a I was a childhood. He took my brother and I to many places, long walks, played football and much more.
ReplyDeleteBoth my parents died many years ago, just like me my children have never known what it is like to have grandparents.
ReplyDeleteMy mum always puts others first, and donates money to quite a few charities close to her heart, on a regular basis.
ReplyDeleteMy mother gave up every little treat or luxury she could ever have had so we could have one instead. I wish I had realised soon enough to thank her for her sacrifice.
ReplyDeleteI was a bit of a terror as a teenager and never thought too much of it. Then when I had my own kids I suddenly felt really guilty about all the times I stayed out and didn't tell my mum where I was! Having kids has made me a much better son now!
ReplyDeleteMy dad makes me laugh so much but it seems that I'm the only one in the family to appreciate his humour.
ReplyDeleteI used to love making bread with my Dd when I was little.
ReplyDeleteMy parents meet me in Chester and we all go shopping together then out for lunch. When we eat chocolates that have wrappers, we put the wrappers together to look like chocolates, just to wind each other up (I am one of 5!)
ReplyDeleteMy dad tells the best stories which makes me smile.
ReplyDeleteMy dad use to come on holiday with us before he died and loved spending time with his grandson's.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite moments with my mum is on holiday in Weymouth we love going there and have done for about 25 years now. It's like a second home. I love spending time with my mum. She is amazing!
ReplyDeleteLove to visit and check in with my parents each week just so they know I'm doing OK (even though I've lived on my own for 9 years!)
ReplyDeleteMy Mum has a beautiful singing voice, she used to be in an operatic group! Now we both go singing every week in a local choir, and it always makes me smile! My Mum can always make me happy cry when she sings Ava Maria. I love my Mum x
ReplyDeletemy mother in law accepted me from day one, she helped us raise our children and every year made sure the children went on holiday, she would have loved our grandchildren
ReplyDeleteBecoming a mum came as a shock to me but I can honestly say it's the most rewarding, amazing thing I have ever done and wouldn't change it for the world x
ReplyDeletemy mum always had a great sense of humour even when she was telling me off we still ended up laughing
ReplyDeleteMy mum surprised us by taking up art class a few years ago. From nothing, she's actually become pretty good -- we've got several of her pictures up on our wall, and they're there on merit, not just because of who painted them.
ReplyDeleteI always remember the invaluable lessons (which were just fun at the time) of cooking with my Mum and my Gran, and gardening (fruit and veg growing) with my Dad and Granddad!
ReplyDeleteAs a mum my favourite moments when my kids were little was when they would climb on my lap and go "nuggle mummy, nuggle". They could not say "snuggle" so it was "nuggle". I miss "nuggle"!
ReplyDeleteMy mum in law to be is like a mum to me - I'm just back home from a lovely day out with her where, despite being a bit poorly herself, she made a huge effort to come and cheer me up when I'm having a rubbish time. I love her to bits, she's absolutely amazing!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite part of the day is when my dad pops round for a cup of tea and a chat, we had never really been close but since losing my mum we have formed an unbreakable bond which i am cherishing more and more each day x
ReplyDeleteUsed to do decorating with dad when younger
ReplyDeleteLovely giveaway
ReplyDeleteWhen I was at primary school I would sometimes come home and find the front door slightly ajar. A piece of paper would be lying in the hall and it would be the first clue of a treasure hunt. I would go all over the house guided by the clues and at the end there would be a treat. My Mum loved making up the treasure hunts and I really enjoyed them. Hazel Rea - @beachrambler
ReplyDeleteWhen we got my mum a mobile phone for christmas and she started texting us, it was always in capital letters, so it's like she is always yelling at us.
ReplyDeleteMy Dad has been absolutely fantastic since my Mum died, my 40th birthday was a few months later and my Dad baked his first cake for my birthday, it was amazing!
ReplyDeleteMy dad's visiting us ATM he loves doing puzzles with my daughter Sheriah 5 it's lovely when he takes time to do Grandad things ☺️
ReplyDeleteMy mom is my rock in hard times. I hope to do half as much for my own kids, whenever they need me. x
ReplyDeleteMy mam is a total sweetheart. She is 90 now and in a nursing home but always stays cheerful.
ReplyDeleteMy mum is great, always encouraging, knows just what to say and how to help. My dad gives a good hug and sometimes thats just what you need!
ReplyDeletethey are always there for me
ReplyDeleteSadly both my parents have passed away but I try to be the best mum possible by fostering now that my own have grown up.
ReplyDeleteMy mum is an amazing cook and always used to make us birthday cakes when we were kids - one year I wanted a Barbie cake, her hands were stained pink with food colouring for days afterwards! 💖
ReplyDeleteI speak not of my biological parents but of my aunty, who to me is my mum. She stood by me no matter what and never gave up on me. She is my greatest supporter and always has been. On a side note I would love to win some choccy's lol x
ReplyDeleteMy nan made the best mince pies I have ever tasted and it makes me think of her every Christmas.
ReplyDeletewould love to win their chocolate is delicious
ReplyDeleteDad use to always buy us Maltesers and my Mum After Eights if he went for a drink on a Friday night :D Hotel Chocolat wasn't around back then! :)
ReplyDeleteMy mum founded my love for we are both crazy cat ladies lol
ReplyDeleteOne of my fondest memories of my dad is when I was 16 and he took just me for a ploughmans lunch and bought me my first cider. it was lovely just to have him to myself for a change without my other siblings around
ReplyDeleteI miss my dad and that's as much as I need to say I think, he was THE man.
ReplyDeleteMy older sister has been like a mum to me, she pretty much brought me up after our mum died. I'm so lucky to have her.
ReplyDeleteMy parents are both dead but I think of them everyday...whenever I hear a Shakira song it reminds me of mum (she loved Shakira) and when I watch Only Fools and Horses on Gold it reminds me me of Dad ...he was a bit of cockney wheeler-dealer lol
ReplyDeleteMy mum always does anything she can to help me when I need it, whether that is financial support, emotional support or anything else. She's always there and I do the same for my daughter :)
ReplyDeleteI love it when my dad shares his knowledge about gardening. Without it the garden would be a complete mess!
ReplyDeleteMy mum in law always makes my favourite foods when we go and visit. The trouble is, the very first time I met her, I raved about her trifle, as I was being polite, and trying to make a good impression, She now makes one EVERY time we see her, and really - I'm not a fan! It's all sloppy. I'd much rather have cake, or a pie, but I've made my bed, and now I;m lying in it!
ReplyDeleteMy mum has been my rock throughout my life and has always been there to support me no matter what's happened!
ReplyDeleteMy Dad is terminally ill and my Mum is his carer. I always spend Friday morning with him so that my Mum can have a break. It always makes me smile whenever she goes out or even just into the garden as she always comes in and gives him a kiss before going outside. It is very touching to see the love they still have after all these years.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had something to say but I don't really get along with my parents for many years I have had to defend for myself.
ReplyDeletemy dad would love this
ReplyDeleteMy mum is a super chocoholic, for years I was convinced my Easter eggs were faulty as they never had chocolate inside of them....!
ReplyDeletemum always loved chocolate as a treat and used to love Easter the best. She'd always buy us the biggest egg in the shop so that she could pinch some.
ReplyDeletemy dad alwayy makes me smile! he lives with my and my daughter and still treats me like a princess this would be a lovely treat for hi, plus it would stop him nicking my choccies!
ReplyDeleteMy mum and dad are sadly not with me anymore but both were amazing people and I have my sister and we look after each other now
ReplyDeleteWow, amazing, I would love to give this to my mum
ReplyDeleteI now know the trouble my mum had with me and brother growing up, because I have 3 children all under 6 which is so hectic!
ReplyDeleteI came down with meningitis when I was visiting my parents over summer... they took it in turns to rub my back and comfort me when I was being sick, and sat with me in hospital when I was scared and no-one knew what was wrong.
ReplyDeleteI always end up cackling at my mum's silly sense of humour - she works with children, and sometimes I think that humour rubs off on her!!
ReplyDeleteRiding on my dads shoulders when i was 4/5, i felt on top of the world!
ReplyDeleteMy mam has been a start through some awful times - leanne w
ReplyDeleteI love how me and my mum laugh hysterically at the same things. I remember in Vegas being in a lift with tourists laughing our heads off but no one else knew what was funny. Good times! Love my mum to
ReplyDeleteI have twins who are all grown up now and they are boy/girl. I was always stopped in the street when they were babies so everyone could coo over them! I hated being asked if they were identical! lol
ReplyDeleteMy mum is an incredible woman. So kind and generous with fabulous sense of humour.
ReplyDeleteMy dad is more interested in my wedding dress than anyone else - he keeps sending photos and telling me what shapes and styles suit me etc. It reminds me how unique and special my family are because a few of the people at wedding dress shops have been totally shocked that he wants to come when I try things on!
ReplyDeleteDancing and singing around the lounge with my Mum most nights :)
ReplyDeleteI remember a riding holiday when I was about 10, and my Dad had a go too. I still think that was a brave thing to do, he's so not a sporty person.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a teenager I used to wear a lot of black and had some 'weird' friends as my dad used to say! He found it difficult to chat to them due to this and one weekend I had a sleepover - I thought it was going to be really awkward but to break the ice he came downstairs with a rainbow Tina Turner wig on singing 'simply the best' at the top of his voice! Everyone just burst out laughing and it completely broke the ice, everyone thought my dad was a legend! It really meant a lot to me that he made that effort for me
ReplyDeleteMy mum passed away when i was young but as children she made all our clothes and taught me and my sister to sew and knit and it's something i still love to do and have just recently made all my curtains for my living room and bathroom all thanks to her.
ReplyDeleteMy mum is always there for me when I need an ear to bend! Especially when work is driving me mad and I need someone to vent to - I'm the manager so I can't talk to anyone at work!
ReplyDeleteMy mum and dad have been amazing with me over the last couple of years where my extreme generalized anxiety and depression has got so much worse and i have been so difficult to be around. But they have been there for me every step of the way through every up and down.
ReplyDeleteMy little boy loves a 20 minute cuddle everytime he wakes from a nap. I love it as I know they won't last forever!
ReplyDeletemy mum and dad are amazing even after splitting up have stayed good freinds to bring me up x
ReplyDeleteMy mum taught me to love all weathers. Often times if we had no umbrellas we would put carrier bags over our heads and venture forth! We would walk for miles and eat ice creams however cold it was.
ReplyDeleteMy mum is as mad a box of frogs and always makes us laugh. Her spell of gardening in really bizarre outfits like a fur coat and slippers because she thought her next door neighbour was getting really nosey and wanted to see how far the gossip would go was one of her finer moments!
ReplyDeletemy Dad leaving funny cartoon notes in my lunch box because he knew I was nervous about school.
ReplyDeleteBeing a mum is truly wonderful. My son is a ray of sunshine and is always making me smile x
ReplyDeleteMy Mum and Dad always buying me a bar of chocolate to cheer me up or treat me :) x
ReplyDeleteI remember fondly when we went on a family holiday to Spain when I was 8, my dad got chased down the beach by a seagull trying to get his chips!! Lol he was terrified I've never seen him run so fast, it was hilarious and a memory I'll never forget.
ReplyDeleteLove spending time with my Mum.
ReplyDeleteMy mum is the best cook I know. I love cooking and learn from the best.
ReplyDeletemy mum always managed o cheer me up
ReplyDeleteMy mum never wanted us to spend a lot of money on her Christmas and birthday gifts, she preferred that we treat ourselves. She would often just ask for a box of her favourite chocolates (Milk Tray). I saw a display of Milk Tray in my local Lidl shop the other day and it brought back all those lovely memories of my mum; it doesn't take much to remember those you loved and lost.
ReplyDeleteMy dad took us on a holiday to Dubai a few years ago. It was amazing!
ReplyDeletewould love this for my dad he would so love these he loves his chocolate
ReplyDeleteMy mum would do absolutely anything for me and my sisters and I need to tell her more often how I feel
ReplyDeleteMy favourite memory is of feeding the hens and ducks with my Dad when I was little. We used to have our wellies on and slide around in the mud whilst throwing corn.
ReplyDeleteI only really started to get on with my Dad a few years before he passed, but that makes it more special to me because it was a real father and son thing which I never had as a kid with him.
ReplyDeleteI love the memories of taking the dogs for a walk with my mum as a child and now I love doing the same with my daughter
ReplyDeleteThese look truly incredible!
ReplyDeleteMy dad used to make us laugh the things he got up to or jokes he played on us.
ReplyDeleteHe used to go to the library & get books for the neighbours & strap them on his Moped box.One day he gave my sister a lift.She lived up a big Hill & when he got to the top he had that much weight on the back he ended up doing a wheelie.We often laugh at his antics.
my parents are a hug part of my life but when I was younger and they were working I spent alot of time with my grandparents who taught me and my brother so much.
When I was younger I remember watching Forest Gump with my mum and the famous line "Life is like a box of chocolates..". Ever since whenever there are hard times or we need a good chat and a catch up we open a box of chocolates, indulge and forget the rest of the world.
ReplyDeleteMy mum-in-law is like a Mum to me right down to the way she exasperated me! But it’s not something I’ve ever told her.
ReplyDeleteMy dad was my inspiration. One of his sayings was be true to yourself and if it feels right,then do it. Miss him to bits
ReplyDeletemy dad loved chocolate, you would offer him a piece and he'd say .. no it's ok.. it's yours.... so you would eat it... he would notice the minute it had all gone and then say ...oh go on then i'll have abit.... aleays made us laugh... and as we got older we learnt to keep a bit hidden at the end for when he said it.. always made us laugh, i'd forgotten how happy chocolate can make you .. wish he was here to do it now... thank you for reminding me of a happy memory
ReplyDeleteMy wonderful parents helped me recover from anorexia - their endless patience and humour and kindness has been the most incredible gift to me!
ReplyDeleteI’ve inherited my dads wicked sense of humour and my mums love for crafts, it’s one of the many things I love about them
ReplyDeleteMy aunt just loves chocolate! Our families are very close and we share so many beautiful memories with my cousins growing up. Whenever a guest would bring bars of chocolate as a gift to her 2 kids she would go to each and ask for half. She would end up having a whole chocolate while my cousins would have half each! It was always so funny to watch her do this! God bless her!
ReplyDeleteMy Mum has always been so supportive to me. From helping me completely hands on when I had my own daughter single-handedly to always being my best friend on a Saturday night, we like nothing more than staying home and watching films together :) She's the best!
ReplyDeletejust love chocolate - always a favourite with my mum and dad too.
ReplyDeleteMy mum has recently discovered how to send GIFs with her iPhone! At least once a day I get a funny cat one or a unicorn. It never fails to make me smile!
ReplyDeleteMy Mum was always very strict about how much sugar we ate, but last week I went to collect my son from hers and he was sat on her kitchen table eating cubes of jelly straight out the packet!!
ReplyDeleteOnly my daft mother could serve chocolate custard instead of gravy with the sunday roast dinner, but that's why we love her!
ReplyDeleteAs a one parent family my Mom and Dad helped me so much, and I have so many happy memories, my Mum always used to help me with decorating, and my Dad would keep up a stream of tea and bacon sarnies :D
ReplyDeleteMy father was recently diagnosed with an incurable lung infection. We had not seen him in 7 years. The last time was when my daughter was 5. He and my mother were able to fly over from the US to visit us for a week. We made the most wonderful memories.
ReplyDeleteI've got a lovely friend at work who is very motherly towards me. I have known her for 10 years, and she's always there for me. She buys me little chocolate treats, and makes me cups of tea! I told her about my pregnancy before I told my actual Mum!
ReplyDeletemy mum was with me and my fiance when i gave birth to our daughter and its deffo my fave memory
ReplyDeleteMy dad used to tell the silliest jokes and then crack up over them, it's one of the things I miss most since we lost him a few years ago.
ReplyDeleteMy mum is awesome but forgetful - so many times we've been late / lost / etc because of her. :)
ReplyDeleteMy dad always cooked his special spaghetti when we stayed in the mountain hut, he never used to cook otherwise but for us kids these spaghetti where by far the best we had ever eaten. A few months ago while staying with my parents in Switzerland my daughters finally got to try his famous spaghetti too and loved them just as much as we did
ReplyDeleteMy Dad was kind, loving, gentle and taught me to believe I could do anything.
ReplyDeleteMy mother loved Dark Chocolate so her favourite pressie was a box of Black Magic - which she enjoyed on her own because nobody else liked them! Personally I love Hotel Chocolat chocolate in Milk or White and all the gorgeous fillings that they do
ReplyDeleteMy dad baking banana loaves and cooking all our meals - introducing me to curry over 50 years ago and blue cheese!
ReplyDeleteI love being a mum, it’s so rewarding! My kids are my life and even they make me lose the plot sometimes and I find half eaten gingerbread men in my sock drawer. I wouldn’t have them any other way!
ReplyDeleteI love spending time with my parents - I don't see my mum as often as I would like but I go out to lunch weekly with my dad
ReplyDeleteI have lovely memories of my mum's cooking, she was amazing! I wish I had inherited her skills.
ReplyDeleteMy mum & dad were very strict and, from a very young age, we had to help with the cooking and housework, so I brought my son up more leniantly. I wish now I'd been more strict with my son as he's an adult now and doesn't cook or clean!
ReplyDeleteMy dad always made a chocolate cake on Sunday afternoons, I always got to lick the spoon and scrape the bowl
ReplyDeleteMemories of my gran are hilarious. One time we visited a run down castle. I had gone up a level whilst my gran was still downstairs looking at things. All of a sudden there's a loud noise of someone passing wind echoing around the walls. It was my gran. She didn't realise it would be so loud or echo so much lol.
ReplyDeleteMy mum means so much to me she’s been there for me so much through a very difficult few years takin* me to appointments, caring, being there, making me laugh I don’t know what I’d do without her. I’d love to treat her so thanks for the chance
ReplyDeleteEven though my mum works really long hours as soon as she gets a day off shes asking if i need her to babysit my 4 munchkins or if i need a hand with anything :)
ReplyDeleteplus both chocolate addicts!! haha
Mum is very caring and supportive. She is my best friend. (@PeanutHog)
ReplyDeleteMy mum will do anything to make sure her family are happy. She spent a full 9 hours going to every shop she could image might sell it to find a box of pumkin spiced porridge for me because I had told her it looks lovely but I couldn't find it anywhere. She got it in the end and made me a very happy daughter
ReplyDeletemy mum helped me clear and clean my old house from top to bottom after I decided I needed a new, better life for me
ReplyDeleteA moment that always springs to mind when I'm asked this question is snuggling up with mum under a quilt on the settee watching Disney films when I was poorly!
ReplyDeleteMy nan was always there for us, she had a wicked sense of humour
ReplyDeleteWhenever my family get together we always have a good laugh, for me it's every Christmas day when my sister is home, we get the games out and Dad cracks his daft jokes while Mum makes a sarcastic comment back, little moments like that I appreciate!!
ReplyDeleteI love the bond I have with my mum. She is a star and does everything she can for my and my kids.I love the fact my kids have the same bond with her too
ReplyDeletemy best memory of my Dad was the joy of being selected to carry the olympic torch
ReplyDeleteLeft my dad in charge of our house whilst we were on holiday, arrived home to discover we had been locked out!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite memory is christmas all of us kids waking early to unwrap our presents on my mum bed
ReplyDeletemy dad is one of the funniest and kindest guys i know!!! recently i had a marriage breakdown and he had me move in with him and he supported me.
ReplyDeleteI am a 'mum' to many - 2 homegrown and many foster children that we have had the joy of caring for over the years
ReplyDeleteMy Mum is fantastic at helping us out with the kids when we really need it- we love her.
ReplyDeleteMy father was an environmentalist long before the word came into common use. He was also a pigeon and poultry fancier. I didn't take much notice when I was growing up but have recently realised just how important his views and way of life were. I hope he can see that I am trying to live as I should and doing my bit.
ReplyDeleteboth my parents are dead i miss them every day dad dressed me up in fancy dress for the queens silver jubilee in 1977 we all had a street party
ReplyDeleteMy Mum is always there for others. She used to be a Home Help when I was young and when she gave up she continued helping her elderly friends with shopping and housework. She has done a lot of voluntary work since my Dad died 12 years ago. At Christmas she takes in an elderly relative to make sure he is not alone over the festive period.....all this and she is nearly 82 herself!
ReplyDeleteMost importantly though she is always there for me, her granddaughters and her great grandsons.
My mum came to see my at university after my cousin died and made sure I ate and got to my lectures on time and didn't fall too behind
ReplyDeleteTry as I might I cannot think of a heart warming story about my parents. It's not that we had a bad childhood, far from it, it's just that my parents never showed their emotions to us or each other, there was no lovey dovey stuff or cuddles really.
ReplyDeleteMy parents argued and rowed a lot - still do after 53 years of marriage.
But they have supported me as I have been widowed twice; at age 28 and age 40. They just do it in their own way.
But it has made me cry to read the above stories.
One of my earliest memories is of me asking my mum if it was my birthday - and she said yes, all day! I remember thinking that was so funny xx
ReplyDeleteMy mum is my best friend so there are too many moments. One that stands out is when I got a bad news from the doctor. She refused to just accept what they said and found through lots of research an amazing doctor to help me. She then helped me through two spinal operations. The only reason I don't need a wheelchair today is because she refused to give up. She's my hero xx
ReplyDeleteMy mum and dad have stood with me recently whilst i've been ill. They have gone above and beyond to look after my three children whilst i've been in hospital. It has made me realise just how loved I am and made me respect my family more.
ReplyDeleteMy Nan because she has a sweet tooth and most of my childhood memories relate to her and the happiness she introduced into my life.
ReplyDeleteI love the fact that I am a Nan, as I get time to spend with them, that is not rushed
ReplyDeleteI have a lovely memory of my Mum and son putting the Christmas tree up, the laughter & fun they had. We didn't know it at the time, but this was our last Christmas together as she died suddenly in the January but this memory never fades
ReplyDeleteJoking with my Mum about cake
ReplyDeleteThese look absolutely amazing! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWalking and talking as we went anywehere and everywhere
I'd love to share these with my mum and sister at Christmas
ReplyDeleteI love my Dad's inadvertently hilarious answers to quiz show questions when he's trying not to go to sleep.
ReplyDeleteMy mum used to cut my hair up until my teenage years. They were terrible hair cuts, but it saved money. We look back and laugh about it now! x
ReplyDeleteMy dad was everything but mainly warm, loving and funny. There isn't a day that passes that we don't all miss him.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was about 4 my mum giving me a big messy, sticky ice cream, leading me into the fur coat section of a department store and telling me they were little foxes and bunny rabbits - cue a loud, messy antifur protest (and probably a nice, steep specialist cleaning bill)
ReplyDeleteMy dad is awesome, he has kept up the act that his hand is a mouse called Mousie for 36 years :-)
ReplyDeleteSpent last Christmas with Dad in hospital and sadly lost him in January will miss him so much and the way he always fell asleep crimbo day after lunch, will be watching the dr who crimbo special with tears in my eyes
ReplyDeleteAlthough the man I call my Dad is gone, he will always be my hero, I know people say that but I mean literally! A stupid 16 year old, I ran away with a man who tortured and beat me, but my Dad drove the 200 odd miles over night to rescue me and bring me home
ReplyDeleteUsed to love going to the golf course with my dad as a 'caddy'. After about 5 minutes, the golf bag was obviously too heavy for me so he would carry them anyway but it was great time spent together.
ReplyDeleteMy dad had a daft sense of humour.
I love being a Mum, it really brings out the best in me. I only cuddle my children, I'm not into physical contact but I can't stop cuddling my kids!
ReplyDeleteMy mum is absolutely lovely but she can be a bit scatty sometimes, like taking a roll of foil to work for here lunch instead of the chicken wrap she wrapped in the foil or calling me everybody else's name before remembering mine.
ReplyDeleteMy mum was there to support me when giving birth to my first child
ReplyDeleteFantastic giveaway, would love to #win. Fingers crossed xxx ❤❤
ReplyDeleteMy dad is constantly repeating the same things over and over again. He knows he is doing it but each time a story is updated i have to hear the WHOLE thing again from the beginning!
ReplyDeleteMy Mums been through such a lot in these last few years. But even during some of her harder times, she's always been there to support me through my own highs and lows.
ReplyDeleteFeeding ice cream to my dad in his care home during a brief period of lucidity in his battle with Alzheimers shortly before his death
ReplyDeleteMy favourite memory of my Dad is his reaction when he opened his Christmas present in 2006. I had booked him a surprise, once in a lifetime trip to NYC to see the Rolling Stones, as a combined Christmas//60th birthday present. He broke down in tears, the only time I have ever seen him cry, and was so grateful! It was magical!
ReplyDeleteWinter always makes me remember jumping in puddles deeper than my wellies with my dad when I was little.
ReplyDeleteMy mum is always helping me
ReplyDeleteMy Dad was always able to make us laugh and cheer up a grumpy child or grandchild.
ReplyDeleteMy parents are my role models. My rocks in life and are always there for me and my daughter no matter what. They are the best grandparents to my girl. I see myself growing up tocbe just like them both. Strong, independent, hard working and respectful.
ReplyDeletei live a few hours away from them but make the time to just talk about our days every week!
ReplyDeleteMine would have to be about my wonderful adoptive mummy. She has been there for me through everything ehen my own mother failed. Sometimes blood isn't thicker
ReplyDeleteI love being a mum and now being a grandparent is even better
ReplyDeleteMy mum is my the best friend.She is always there for me
ReplyDeleteThe Ashes is coming up and it always makes me think of my Dad,who introduced me to cricket as a kid. He took me along to watch Hampshire play in the County Championship and taught me the rules.A sport I still love.
ReplyDeleteMy mum was my rock when my brother and dad died. She supported me through a bad couple of years
ReplyDeletemy aunt she deserves a treat
ReplyDeleteMy mum makes a wicked meat and potato pie nom nom