Reduce Your Energy Bills With Flipper

We all want to save money on our energy bills, don't we? Well, welcome to Flipper. Flipper's mission is to ensure no one ever overpays their energy again. 

Flipper is a switching service that finds you the best energy deal and then switches it for you. They check the market every month and switch you to the best deal, thus saving you valuable money and time.  If you don't want to switch they will give you the option to opt out before they check for you.

How do they know the best deal you may wonder? They check your bills to ensure they know exactly what you pay and then access a range of deals available to them.The best deals that don't charge commission.  

How much does this cost? The service costs £25 a year but they won't flip (switch) you until you save at least £50 a year and they won't charge you until you save that too. If you are not happy with the switch you have a 14 day period where you can cancel the deal free of charge. 

They have a number of approved suppliers that they work with, 6 big and over 32 small and medium suppliers including SSE, Scottish Power and NPower. 

And they don't monetise the consumer by selling your data or showing you constant adds too.

Of course, you are always in control. Flipper work for you and you can exclude suppliers you don't like from their search. You always have 14 days to cancel your switch too and they will flip you again free of charge. Whether you want to pay your energy bills on receipt or pay by direct debit, it's all a simple, easy and convenient process.

Londoner Stephen Brewster is one such customer that saved a fortune with Flipper. Being fed up of the hassle of trying to compare tariffs he used Flipper and saved £816.07 on his energy tariffs. That is a significant amount of money, I think you would agree. What would you spend that saving on? I know I should spend it on the house but would probably spend it on a holiday!

Signing up is easy and you don't need to know the ins and outs of your energy suppliers.  With energy prices always seeming to go up, never down, it's good to know a service like this exists, and that they do all the switching making everything hassle free. All you have to do is reap the rewards with your savings.

If you use my link here you also get a £5 discount too off Flipper, and with average savings of £385 per year, what do you have to lose? 

Let me know, would you use Flipper? Are you happy with your energy supplier?

*PR collaboration


  1. Those is something that I need to look into. We continued with the same supplier that the previous homeowners had when we moved in so haven't looked to see if we could get a better deal.

    1. It is worth checking out to save some money with all the price hikes recently.

  2. What a fab idea! I'm really bad and haven't switched my energy supplier before, so I'll have to give them a try x

  3. What a brilliant idea I like the fact they don't switch until you've saved money. We've just got smart meters installed so it'll be interesting to see what our bill is over the winter. X

  4. If Stephen can save that much I think it makes most of us want to follow his path if it will help us save on energy bills too. Will definitely check out flipper

  5. Wow... what a great idea. I know most people just cant be bothered to keeo comparing but if an app can do it for them... then its perfect. Thanks for sharing.

  6. my husband deals with all the energy stuff - it is amazing how much you can save when you start looking around isn't it?

  7. I have just signed up - can't wait to start saving

  8. So cool, I'll have to look into this. I love to find ways to save money!
