Technology And Wi-Fi Access

In this technological age, access to computers and wi-fi is almost a basic human right. In fact, many people feel the right to Internet access is important in order to exercise freedom of expression. 

Several countries like Costa Rica have adopted laws that require the state to work to ensure that Internet access is broadly available and/or preventing the state from unreasonably restricting an individual's access to information and the Internet. 

Being able to access the Internet is important for communication, education, business, and even healthcare and tourism, that is why being able to access Wi-Fi is important for developing nations. Workforce management systems such as those by Advance Systems can often be done online too.

On another level, have you ever thought how people at sea or even space are able to access Wi-Fi? I'm going to Kennedy Space Centre in the summer and looking at this infographic below, it appears astronauts now have better Wi-Fi than people on board ship. So that trip into space looks more inviting than ever now! Tim Peake, move on over...

Would you be able to manage without Wi-Fi?

* PR collaboration. Infographic courtesy of


  1. The internet is such a big part of our world now that it should be easily accessible any where.

    1. I agree, but isn't it strange that astronauts have better access than sailors :)

  2. I agree with Jemma, Technology has made it possible for us to access wifi anywhere although the wifi is not always good. I didn't know that astronauts can make phone calls in space?

  3. I can't imagine life without the internet as it such a huge big part of our lives. <3 God bless it.

  4. Ha! This is a bit of a random infographic for a jewelry site :)! Love the detail though. Who knew astronauts were better off!?

    1. I have a lifestyle blog so I write about everything :)

  5. Yep i certainly would struggle without wifi, must learn how to switch off! x

    1. I am going glamping soon so I NEED to switch off.

  6. Some interesting facts. I would have never though astronauts would have more access than those at sea. I'd most definitely struggle without wiFi ��

  7. The Internet is a big part of my life. I'm not sure I could without. Some interesting facts there x

  8. When i travel wi-fi is really important for me as i don't want to have roaming charges by using loads of data x
