What To Wear To A Job Interview

Now the summer is over, many people are thinking of a new start. It's the season for looking for a new job, whether you have just left college or university or are looking for a change 

If you start applying for jobs,  it's always a good idea to refresh interview techniques and revisit what to wear to an interview.

In my personal experience, it is always best to dress as smartly as possible. Unless you are applying for a job in the artistic job sector, dress conservatively. I am sure you already know this but this is not the time to wear your Monsters Of Rock, Hello Kitty or Dr Who t-shirt however much you love it! As pointed out below there may be other jobs such as nannying that you may feel out of place wearing a suit at an interview, showing that you can sit on the floor and play with the children in a more casual outfit may be better. However if in doubt smarter is always better than casual.

Clothes do not have to be expensive but it is a good idea to invest in a classic suit.  Dark colours such as black or navy often work best. Your clothes shouldn't be the focus of attention, instead, your personality and experience should shine through. Alternatively, a smart top and skirt or trousers would suffice. 

two people in suits

Personally, I feel comfort is important as well. I would wear flat or mid-heel shoes but not trainers or high heels, although if you are comfortable with high heels go for it. A trouser or skirt suit looks like you mean business and a smart dress and jacket would also be appropriate and would work well. 

For a man, a dark suit is always smart. Shirts can be white, pinstriped or plain colours, personally, I would avoid bright colours and unusual designs.

Attention to detail is also incredibly important. Make sure your shoes are clean, clothes wrinkle-free, shirts ironed and hair well groomed.

job interview

You can personalise your outfit with your choice of jewellery, gold or silver studs, small drop earrings, a simple bracelet or a classic watch that adds that touch of class to any outfit. A leather bag also adds style, as well as functionality and a small bag or medium tote, would be the perfect finishing touch.

If you wear the right clothes it can really help boost your confidence at an interview, so choose well and you could go far.

Two companies I particularly like for interview wear are Marks and Spencer and Next.  Both companies produce good quality smart work clothes for a reasonable price.

If you have any teenagers in your household or recent graduates they may find this guide useful, and if you are applying for a job yourself soon then good luck and I wish you all the best.

*Updated 09/09/24


  1. Love the grey outfit and I hate job interviews :) so stressful!

  2. I guess it would also depend on the job you are going for.
    As a Nanny I wouldn't turn up to an interview in a suit as I would want to show It could get down on the floor and play with the kids

    1. Point taken Clare, I did mention if you work in the artistic sector then you may not want to dress conservatively and there are other jobs like a nanny you may not wish to wear a suit for, but if in doubt it is often better to dress smarter than more casually.

  3. Great advice, I agree about dressing appropriately for the job you are being interviewed for x

  4. I remember wearing a tie dye skirt and flip flops to an interview for a Saturay job when I was 16- I didn't want the job, my mum thought I should have one. Sadly because she worked there I got the job despite my best efforts not to!

  5. It frustrates me when people turn up for interview in jeans these days
