Save Energy, Save Money, Save Water

Christmas is an expensive time of year.  Before you know it, with the presents, extra food, wine, and all the festive extras, many of us end up spending on our credit cards and resort to paying it off well into the following New Year and beyond.

It's at times like this, every little helps, and it's often useful to start looking at your outgoings to see where you can save some money.

save money with some simple tips

In our household we have looked at simple things like turning off lights when we leave a room, using energy efficient light bulbs, putting on an extra layer of clothing on instead of putting the heating on, and changing energy suppliers. One area we haven't really looked at though, is saving energy by saving water.

Did you know that less than 0.5% of the World's total water is freshwater? It's a precious resource we shouldn't waste.

There are lots of water saving tips on the Happier Homes website that can help reduce waste, saving energy and also your money in the process. 

Do you use a dishwasher? Did you know that you could use 11 times less water by using a dishwasher than washing up by hand? I was surprised at this - I guess the key is, only put the dishwasher on when it's full, scrape the dishes of food and don't rinse them with water, and use an energy efficient cycle. Dishes washed in the dishwasher are also more hygienic and cleaner too.

fill up the dishwasher to save water

What about baths and showers? It's a well known fact that a shower uses less water than a bath. Adjusting the temperature of your water can save money too. I have a combi boiler and turning down the thermostat a degree or two means less energy is used in heating the water, and most people wouldn't feel the difference when taking a shower or bath. And while we are here, let's discuss that B word... bath. 

It's a well know fact that if you have a shower instead of a bath you can save a water, short showers are the key and if a family of 4 replaced a shower by a bath once a week it can save £25 over the course of a year. As I said earlier, every little helps.

taking a shower saves energy and money

Other easy ways to save water include:- 

Turning off running taps when you are brushing your teeth.
Using a water butt to catch rainwater to water your garden.
Making sure dishwashers and washing machines are full before you use them.
Replacing washers on dripping taps promptly.
Replacing inefficient shower heads with an energy efficient type.

turn off the tap don't leave it running unnecessarily

This water saving calculator can help you examine how much water you use and gives helpful tips on saving water too. By using these tips your family can be more energy efficient, saving precious resources and saving you money too. Check out more tips on saving water here. 

Tell me, do you think about saving energy in your household? How do you save water in your family? A controversial one here, but would you ever share bath water?

* a sponsored post


  1. You say showering saves money, not with how long I stay under the nice warm water to avoid the cold rest of the house. :-) just twooo moreee minutesss?

    1. Well if you showered for one more minute not two, it all helps :)

  2. Using less water in our throwaway society is a great thing to highlight. I've always been aware it's a precious resource, so apart from the dishwasher (which to be honest I'm not really sure about when you factor in embedded energy and electricity costs) I've done all of these things to a point when it's actually really hard to cut back.

    1. Many dishwashers has an ecosaving setting so if you set it with a full dishwasher it could save water, over washing lots of bowls of dishes.

  3. I think we already do most of these things but our water bill is still a huge monthly expense.

    1. Water bills can be a big expense. Why don't you try the water saving calculator tool, as you never know it may give you some ideas?

  4. I'm really surprised at the dishwasher, I thought it would be the other way around...but this is good to know!!

    1. I thought the same too Jessica. I guess dishwashers these days are more efficient than ever.

  5. I knew that about the dishwasher :) We try and save energy as much as pos but with six of us it's hard!

  6. I have to admit, if I am going to have a bath, I save for when I have time to relax and enjoy it, otherwise I am in and out of the shower x

    1. Baths can be so relaxing, maybe save a bath for a day off and shower the rest of the time.

  7. It can be quiet scary how quickly water can drain away - being on a water meter in my old home really put it in perspective in some ways. x

    1. That is an interesting point Sarah, I guess it makes you much more aware of how much water you are using.

  8. Oh such great tips - I am all about saving water and money (which is a bonus)

    Laura x

  9. I do lots of these but don't have a dishwasher- great excuse to get one! ;-) x

    1. Yes! Get one and you can say you are saving water and money in the long term ;)

  10. Thanks for posting this, its always great to find ways of saving cash x
