It's World Blood Donor Day On The 14th Of June

Have you ever given blood? I have been a regular donator of blood in the past, proudly collecting the little certificates they gave me in a little book. Unfortunately due to a blood transfusion when I had my son I can no longer give blood. I am in the category of those who cannot give blood anymore but many people can. 

This year’s World Blood Donor Day is on the 14th June. The campaign has been developed to raise awareness as to why we should give blood and why timely access to safe blood and blood products is essential.  Did you know that every day, about 800 women die from pregnancy or childbirth-related complications worldwide? Giving blood will help prevent maternal deaths during delivery and after childbirth as well as saving many lives for those with life threatening illnesses and conditions.

Benenden Health are currently running a survey to determine if people give blood, common misconceptions about donating and barriers preventing people from giving blood.

If you have never given blood it isn't as painful as you may think it would be, a sharp scratch as they say, and ten minutes or so later you will be sitting up having tea and biscuits. 

Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid /

Here are some common questions that people ask about giving blood.

Why give blood?

Thousands of people every day need blood and blood products such as red cells, platelets and plasma for emergency and long-term treatment. Giving blood can literally save someone's life. Due to the short shelf life of blood and blood products and the fact that it is difficult to predict demand, regular supplies are essential.

Blood Types

There are eight blood types and some are rarer than others. For example, O Rh negative blood, is rare but essential as it can be given to anyone regardless of their blood type. Only 2 per cent of the population have B Rh negative which is more often found in ethnic minorities. Blood donors are wanted for all types of blood but especially for those rarer blood groups.

I'm Not Sure If I Can Give Blood

The majority of people can give blood but some cannot. If you pop along to a session they will be able to tell you. Some of the common reasons why people cannot give blood include
  • You have a cold, sore throat or chesty cough
  • You have had a tattoo, semi-permanent makeup or any cosmetic treatment that involves skin piercing in the last 4 months.
  • You have taken a course of antibiotics in the last 7 days or are taken one currently
  • You have received blood during the course of medical treatment or procedure since 1st January 1980.
If you are concerned check out this link below on who can or cannot give blood.

Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid /

If you want to find out where the nearest session is check out this Session Finder on the Give Blood website. There are also blood centres up and down the country where you can drop in and give blood within certain times.

Giving blood is a selfless act and it can make a real difference to someone's life. Someone gave blood and it made a difference to my life, why don't you make a difference to someone's life today.

* in collaboration with Benenden Health


  1. I use to give blood but last time they had issues with my veins as they kept vanishing.

  2. I give blood regularly and in Scotland you get little trophies for your landmark donations! I'm going in for my 10th today and I get a little pin! on your 50th and 100th you get really cool prizes. Exciting! And en excuse not to go for a run afterwards...

    1. I like the idea of little trophies, how cool is that.

  3. my husband gives blood regularly. I did it once, 20 years ago, at uni. Unfortunately, it was incredibly painful for me and my entire arm bruised - we later found out the reasons for that, which were nothing to do with the procedure at all, and all to do with an illness I have. I can't give blood now, but hope that people who can will consider doing so.

    1. Well done to your husband. I hope you are ok, what a shame you can't give blood.

  4. It's a worthy cause. I wish I could face it. I am not very good with blood/needles etc. I also have well hidden veins.

    1. The first time you go it can be a little nerve wracking but it does get easier.

  5. I give blood. Haven't been able to in a while due to low iron, so wasn't allowed for a year then when that year was up I was pregnant. I definitely will be going next time they come to my area. I've got AB negative blood, so with it being the rarest they are keen for me to gibe bloog. #PoCoLo

    1. They seem to come around every 6 months to a year.

  6. I am anemic so I cant sadly. But my hsuband is keen on donating and theres a event like this here. He is planning on donating =) #pocolo

  7. I used to give blood in my early 20's but after a while I started passing out even though I have no issues with needles or things like that and reluctantly they told me I had to be taken of the register and can now no longer give blood. #PoCoLo

  8. I used to give blood, it's so important. I can't anymore because I had to have a few transfusions following surgery. I am so very grateful to whoever donated the blood that I recieved

    1. I think people who give blood are unsung heroes

  9. So worthwhile, a friend's daughter is dependent on blood donations for transfusions. I can't donate as I have anti DNA antibodies because I have autoimmune disease :(

    1. So many people depend on blood transfusions on a regular basis, it is literally a lifeline for some.

  10. A great and worthy cause :) I wrote a very similar post! Thank you for linking to PoCoLo lovely :) x

  11. Fab post. Sadly, I can no longer give blood but I used to be a regular donor and think everyone who can should. #pocolo

    1. I think people worry about giving blood, but it really doesn't hurt a lot and it is so worthwhile.
