What Something For Free? Sign Up To The Work Perk

The Work Perk is a company that delivers branded products to your desk.

Think of it as a little treat that costs nothing only your time to fill in a short questionnaire. You get the chance to try products you may have not tried before and you may find your new favourite drink, snack or cosmetic brand.

They have a great international network and work with top brands such as Ryvita, L'oreal, Coca-Cola and MTV amongst others. In this day and age and especially as we are coming out of a global recession, you don't often get something for free, so this is all the more exciting.

They sent me a bag of goodies so I can show you the type of things you can review. My goody bag contained past products they have used and I had a selection including Tropicana, Batise dry shampoo, Nescafe coffee and Popchips. They also included some perfume samples and men's moisturiser. 

The Tropicana drinks were different flavours to that I have had in the past. Incorporating Guarana, it is a great idea for an energy drink. The Mango and Guava with passionfruit was particularly delicious.

The Batise dry shampoo they sent had a coconut smell, the sort of smell that reminds you of hazy laid back holidays in the sun. I am already a fan of Batise as I use it after Zumba, to make my hair fresh again, but the smell was so gorgeous I will certainly be looking out for this item in my local shops. A big thumbs up from me!

Now onto the Popchips. This low fat crisp style snack still packs a full flavour treat. The sour cream and onion flavour only has 95 calories per packet, great when you get the munchies.

I was impressed with my selection of goodies, I still have to try the perfume and my husband the Nivea Moisturiser for men. All the brands I know quite well too.

If you fancy trying some treats for you company or workplace then just fill in the form on the website with you company details and before you know it your work perk will be on it's way... Your office must have a minimum of 200 staff to take part, and you must fill out a short questionnaire when you get your goodies. 

You can contact The Work Perk 
on Facebook
or on Twitter

I think it's a fab idea, hope you do to!

Until next time...
Mel x


  1. Ooh interesting! I hadn't heard of this kind of thing before! That Batiste dry shampoo is amazing stuff.

  2. Its it only companies/staff members that can sign-up? Nice Good bag BTW x

  3. Ack, only work for myself, so no goodies for me!

    1. Aw never mind, if you know someone pass it onto them.

  4. What a lovely idea! I am self employed so I can't use them, but I will pass it on!

  5. That's a good idea and I LOVE Batiste - it's a lifesaver ;-)

  6. Lovely idea!
    I guess once Mark is back at work we can try and order some for TFL to try :-)

  7. What a great idea - now can 200 bloggers so we work together lol

  8. Oh boo, which I worked in a big office! I may have to get a job in a big office, just so I can sample these lovely goodies! ;-)

  9. What a shame it doesn't over self employed or work from home peeps!"

    1. aw maybe you can pass it on to someone you know who works for a bigger company.

  10. Boo, I'm a full time mum, don't I deserve treats too?!

  11. I think this is a really good idea even though I don't work outside of the home. Nice little treats.

  12. A nice idea to perk up your working day!

  13. I've got one of these to review and I have to admit I think it's a wonderful idea great way to break up the day x

  14. This looks really interesting. I am off to investigate :)
