Say Cheese - Looking After Your Teeth And Gums

A pregnant woman
A pregnant woman (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Did you know about half the population of the UK has some degree of gum problems? It's the major cause of tooth loss in adults - scary isn't it?!

Healthy gums should be pink and stippled, if you get any blood when you brush your teeth you should get it checked out by a dentist just to be on the safe side. It usually means there is inadequate plaque removal at the gum line. A dentist can clean your teeth, check you for tooth decay, and advise you on correct brushing methods.

Pregnancy and Dental Care

Many women have problems with their teeth in pregnancy. Luckily in the UK pregnant women get free dental care, and up to 12 months after the baby is born. The hormones in your body can affect your teeth and gums. Some pregnant women get problems relating to their dental hygiene including
  • Tender, swollen or red gums
  • Receding gums
  • Chronic bad breath
  • Loose teeth if gum problems progress

It is important to visit your dentist in this situation and use a specialist gum toothpaste like Oral-B Pro-Expert Premium Gum Protection twice a day. This toothpaste has been clinically proven to help prevent gum problems in four weeks. I recently tried this toothpaste as I had been having bleeding gums and I can say that the flavour of this toothpaste is very mild and minty, and after brushing my teeth, they felt really clean and fresh. Only time will tell if it helps improve my gum health but I've taken the right steps.

It's also important for children to learn how to brush their teeth properly from a very early age. A pea-sized amount of toothpaste containing fluoride helps strengthen their teeth. Babies can get cavities too so make sure they are registered with a dentist as soon as their teeth start to come through.

My Top Dental Tips For Children

  • Get them to choose their own toothbrush as this encourages brushing.
  • A timer is useful to ensure they know how long they have to brush their teeth for, two minutes twice a day is the correct amount.
  • Disclosing tablets helps show children where any areas they are missing when brushing their teeth.
  • Show them how to use a mirror so they can see exactly where to use the brush.
  • Give them fruit juices with a straw. As fruit juice contains sugar and acids, using a straw and only giving fruit juice with meals helps to prevent contact with the teeth. Try to encourage them to avoid fizzy drinks where possible.

Your teeth (and gums) are for life - look after them and you will be happily munching apples until you're in your 90s! If you do have teeth loss though don't despair you can do something about it, check out dental implants Norwich for information on implants. 

“This post is an entry for BritMums’ #ORALBLoveYourGums Challenge sponsored by Oral-B, promoting healthy gums – especially important for pregnant women. Get tips and advice on”



  1. I think flossing every day is also really important to good oral hygiene!

  2. I can't get on with dental floss, I have had to cut it out of my teeth before now! Instead I use the interdental sticks.

  3. I use to hate flossing but I was recommended flossing harps which work so much better

  4. Great tips and glad you liked the toothpaste. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part.

  5. Thanks for your comments yes flossing harps are great or flossing tape I prefer
