September Comping Round Up

This is a new feature on my blog. Every month I will try and write a comping round up to share with my readers. This will include a mix of competitions with big and small prizes, and I will post it at the start of the month.

Blog Competitions

Chris at Mummy Of Three Diaries has a great competition running to win a Cadburys Sweet Selection  ends 14/09

Helen at Mummy To The Max has a Baby Born Nappy Time to give away ends 16/09

Jo at Given to Distracting others has a competition to Win a Slow Cooker ends 26/09

Rachel is given away some Spiritual cards at Breakthrough ends  24/09

Sarah at Life in a Breakdown has a competition running to win £100 to spend with Zelando ends 19/09

Lucy is giving away a Hairy Bikers baking book at It's a London Bird Thing ends 11/09

Lilinha has a Lumilove Night Light to give away on Lilinha Angel's World ends 27/09

Helen at Two Monsters and me is giving away a £25 Tesco voucher ends 13/09

Rachel at UMeAndTheKids is giving away lots of Skylander goodies ends 30/09


Win a £500 Shopping Spree with Red Magazine and Francetti Bond (registration required)  ends 30/09

Win £500 of Children's Furniture with Yeo Valley ends 30/09

Win £1000 to spend at Whistles with The Guardian ends  14/09

Win a Suitcase full of Holiday Essentials with AOL ends 10/09

Win a Laptop with Stylist Magazine ends 10/09

Win £1500 to spend at Screwfix with Absolute Radio ends (registration required) ends 11/09

Win £500 gift vouchers for M & S with Vogue ends 15/09

Win an Intel inspired Ultrabook with The Guardian ends 20/09

Win 2 nights and dinner in the Channel Islands with ends 08/09

Win £1000 to spend on jewellery with Monica Vinada and ElleUK ends 30/09

So good luck compers and don't forget the competitions I have running too. Both of these you can tweet every day for an extra entry and leave a blog comment every day for an extra entry too

Win a Ti Sento bracelet with Johnson Jewellers ends 22/09

Win a Designer Jewellery cuff with Jessica Flinn designer jeweller ends 21/09


  1. This is fantastic Mellissa, thank you kindly for adding my little competition too :D

  2. Ooh thank you. both for the comps and for featuring mine. Off to enter some

  3. Thank you for the competitions! Best of luck for September. x

  4. Thanks for sharing! Much appreciated and good luck to you!

  5. Hi great idea, how do you get your comp on please if at all possible

    Many Thanks


  6. Fantastic idea,thank-you for the links,I will be entering all of these,fantastic blog

  7. Thanks for this, very useful to have in one place!
